July 15, 2024 Common Council Meeting

Welcome and Call to Order

Pledge and a moment of silence

Roll Call

Approval of minutes from 6-17-2024

Accounts Payable

Additional Appropriation Resolution 2024-6

New Business

  1. Chapter 90 -Abandoned vehicles (council discussion)
  2. Golf Cart ordinance 2024-9 amendment
  3. Repeal of Ordinance 2024-10 chapter 110 Amusements
  4. Ordinance 2024- 11 amending door to door solicitation
  5. 714 Short Street sale
  6. Preliminary budget approvals
  7. C.C.P.C

Old Business

  1. 518 Short Street bid opening

Department Reports

Citizen Concerns (3 min.)


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The July 1st Common Council Meeting is Canceled.
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Goodrich Park Board Meeting July 18th at 5:30PM